“To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries.”
-A C Grayling

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Rescue

This is the first Nicholas Sparks book I have ever read. He is also the author of A Walk to Remember and The Notebook, two of my favorite romance movies so I had high expectations as I began The Rescue. Late LDS Prophet, President Hinckley's wife once said when asked why her marriage was such a success, because she kept her expectations low. Maybe if that had been the case I would have liked this novel a little better.
The story itself was also just a little too dramatic and very predictable. The novel was fairly clean with the exception of a couple of intimate pages between two unweds. It seems like the story had far too many "special" moments. I love to love the characters and care about them, but I found the only characters that I loved were sub character Judy, the mom, and Kyle the 4 year old 'slow' son. I didn't care much for the two main characters.
Although I have to give it some credit, it made me cry once which says something about the authors ability to invoke some emotion.

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